September 25, 2010

CCJ Hot Glass Creations

A toy wagon filled with pee wee contemporary marbles by glass artists Harvey and Jeanna Carlton. For sale at the 2009 Las Vegas Marble Show.

September 20, 2010

Peltier "Baseballs"

A group of red, orange and yellow Peltiers from the 1940s. The  ribbons form a pattern like a baseball.

September 15, 2010

Girl Playing Marbles

LLadro figurine of young girl playing marbles. About 8" tall.

September 11, 2010

Ray Laub

A beautiful tribute to 9/11 by glass artist Ray Laub. I bought this marble at the 2002 Sisterville Marble Festival. It is signed and numbered "#8".

September 5, 2010

German Wirepull

Made in Germany in the 1950s these machine made marbles measure 3/4".